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Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Struck Dumb by Katrina 's Fury

The past several days I have watched many places I have known and loved, swept away by the brunt of Katrina's tidal surge and deadly winds. Familiar places twisted out of all recognition. A place I have called paradise turned into a wrecked and littered vista of misery. The size of the disaster is so big that it's hard to get your head around it.

Worse than that is wondering if those you hold dear are safe and healthy. Many areas are still inaccessable, downed trees and electrical lines must be cleared to get in and find out the magnitude of the loss. For the moment all I can do is wait, hope and pray for those who have been through so much danger and privation.

I need to sleep. Rest has been hard to find the past few days. To all those who find their lives storm tossed tonight know you are in our prayers. Be well, be safe, be happy. I'll see you again soon.

American Red Cross - Credit Card Contribution

The Red Cross is responding to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Please help in any way you can.

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